Young Sheldon (S6-E15)
Episode 15 : La colre d'une adolescente et la honte d'un garon intelligentDure : 30minSheldon fait face l'chec de sa base de donnes tandis que Georgie et Mandy luttent en tant que nouveaux parents. De son ct, Missy se sent oublie.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: Sheldon confronts the failure of his database; Georgie and Mandy struggle as new parents; Missy feels forgotten.IMDB: Sheldon confronts the failure of his database; Georgie and Mandy struggle as new parents; Missy feels forgotten.IMDB: Sheldon confronts the failure of his database; Georgie and Mandy struggle as new parents; Missy feels forgotten.IMDB: 7.8/10 (1027)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 4/5Tl-Loisirs Spectateurs: 5/5 (1)