Young Sheldon (S6-E1)

NRJ 12
Saison 6Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie humoristiqueSortie : 2021Pays : tats-UnisRalisateurs : Alex Reid, Nicole Lorre, Shiri Appleby, Beth McCarthy-Miller, Jaffar Mahmood, Jason Alexander, Kabir Akhtar, Matthew A. Cherry
24/01/25 ~ 16:10 - 16:35

Episode 1 : Quatre cents cartouches de cigarettes non dclares et un NiblingoDure : 30minGeorge Sr. fait sortir Meemaw et Georgie de prison alors que Sheldon et Missy rencontrent Mandy. De son ct, Mary ne se sent pas la bienvenue l'glise.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Le Tigre d'Eau Douce est un super flin qui sest un jour dcid explorer ce monde quil avait si souvent vu en rve. Laurent Bardainne est son leader dresseur et avec son saxophone tnor laisse son me se transporter sur des notes cuivres. Un plaisir pour les amateurs qui vont se remmorer les grandes figures du free jazz.Lire moinsIMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail. Also, Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy, and Mary feels unwelcome at church.IMDB: 7.5/10 (1176)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 4/5Tl-Loisirs Spectateurs: 5/5 (1)