Ninjago Decoded (S1-E9)

France 4
Saison 1 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2017Pays : Etats-Unis
25/12/24 ~ 05:59 - 06:20

Episode 9 : La prophtie du ninja vertDure : 10minLes jeunes ninjas affrontent des tribus de serpents, menes par Pythor, dangereux et manipulateur, libres par le fils du Seigneur des Tnbres.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: The final puzzle forces each ninja to question the true meaning of the Green Ninja Prophecy, but success is not what it seems.IMDB: 8.8/10 (22)