Meurtres à Sandhamn (S9-E2)

Saison 9 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie policireSortie : 2018Pays : Sude
10/01/25 ~ 21:00 - 22:30

Episode 2 : EstherDure : 1h30minnLes vacances de Nora Linde sont de courte dure : elle apprend que les dpouilles de deux garons, quelle avait connus 30 ans auparavant, ont t retrouves. A lpoque, les deux adolescents avait t considrs comme disparus en mer lors dun accident de bateau. Mais les autopsies rvlent une autre ralit, bien plus sordide : ils seraient morts de faim dans un puits, aprs avoir t grivement blesss la tte La procureure est nouveau interroge par la police, ainsi que son ex mari Henrik, et sa nouvelle pouse. Des secrets inavous vont refaire surface au fil de lenqute.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Cette nouvelle enqute, toujours aussi passionnante que les prcdentes, savre particulirement sombre. On y apprend aussi de nombreuses vrits sur le pass des personnages principaux.Lire moinsIMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: In this season, Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder.IMDB: 6.0/10 (121)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5