MacGyver (S3-E8)

Saison 3Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'actionSortie : 1987Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis
08/02/25 ~ 15:35 - 16:35

Episode 8 : Accident en haute montagneDure : 48minAlors qu'elle escaladait une paroi rocheuse, Michelle Mike Forrester s'est tue. se sent coupable de ne pas avoir t l pour viter le drame.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: MacGyver's best friend falls to her death while mountain-climbing with him. MacGyver has no time to mourn when Murdoc shows up looking for revenge.IMDB: 8.4/10 (470)