L'ombre d'un fils (S1-E1)
Episode 1Dure : 50minHarry et Robin vivent Essaouira avec leur jeune fils Dillon. Alors que Robin est son travail, Harry sabsente cinq minutes, laissant le petit sous la surveillance dune voisine. Mais un tremblement de terre se produit et limmeuble o joue lenfant seffondre. Dillon est prsum mort, son corps tant introuvable. Trois ans plus tard, installs Dublin, Harry et Robin sont prts pour un nouveau dpart malgr leur chagrin toujours prsent. Un jour, sur un quai de gare, Harry crot apercevoir Dillon. Le soir mme, Robin lui annonce quelle est enceinte.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: After their son is presumed dead in a Moroccan earthquake, a couple's world is turned upside down when they spot a boy in Dublin, leading them on a desperate search for the truth.IMDB: 8.3/10 (32)