Les enquêtes de Vera (S7-E3)
Episode 3 : Des rvlations qui drangentDure : 1h30minJamie, un tudiant qui vient de commencer un journal intime vido, chute du dernier tage d'un btiment abandonn de son universit. Vera et Healy se rendent sur place pour mener l'enqute. Mais la direction universitaire refuse de les laisser monter dans le btiment. Shona, tmoin du drame qui a prvenu la scurit, s'interroge sur les responsabilits de ses employeurs. Lors de l'autopsie, Tony remarque que Jamie a t agress physiquement peu de temps avant de tomber. Hicham dcouvre que la victime se donnait du mal pour cacher sa vritable identit.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: Vera is called to Northumberland University when a student plummets to his death from the top of a disused faculty building.IMDB: 7.9/10 (529)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5