Les enquêtes de Vera (S7-E2)

France 3
Saison 7 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie policireSortie : 2017Pays : Grande-Bretagne
08/12/24 ~ 22:35 - 00:05

Episode 2 : L'ange noirDure : 1h28minLe cadavre de Nathan, un jeune homme, est retrouv dans une rivire. Il a t frapp la tte avant d'tre jet l'eau. Sur lui, les policiers trouvent un sachet d'hrone marqu : l'Ange noir . Vera interroge le pre O'Brien, qui tient un centre d'accueil pour toxicomanes dans les environs. Ce dernier identifie la victime et met les enquteurs sur la piste de Kelly, que Nathan frquentait. La jeune femme prtend ne rien savoir de ce qu'il s'est pass. Vera charge Hicham de surveiller l'appartement de Kelly. De son ct, Vera rencontre la mre de Nathan.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: The body of a young man is discovered face down in a river by Thrunton Woods. But tracing the victim's identity proves difficult for Vera and her team.IMDB: 7.9/10 (620)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5