Les enquêtes de Vera (S11-E5)

France 3
Saison 11 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie policireSortie : 2020Pays : Grande-Bretagne
15/12/24 ~ 21:05 - 22:35

Episode 5 : Urgence mdicaleDure : 1h29minLe docteur Lucy Yo part prcipitamment de chez elle, voquant une urgence mdicale. Sur le seuil de la porte, son mari lui rappelle quil laime. Sur la route, la jeune mre se rend dans les toilettes dun fast food pour sapprter. Plus tard dans la nuit, son corps est gliss sur la banquette arrire dune voiture, laquelle est par la suite incendie. Appele sur les lieux du crime, Vera souponne rapidement lexistence dun un complice. Alors que lidentit du corps est encore inconnue des enquteurs, lautopsie rvle une blessure rcente sur ct gauche du crne.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: The body of a woman, wrapped in fabric, is found in a burned out car.IMDB: 7.9/10 (441)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 4/5Tl-Loisirs Spectateurs: 5/5 (2)