Breeders (S3-E7)

Saison 3 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie humoristiqueSortie : 2022Pays : Royaume-Uni - tats-Unis
19/12/24 ~ 07:16 - 07:38

Episode 7 : No FailureDure : 26minPaul a dmnag et vit dsormais chez sa belle-mre Leah. Il apprcie les bons cts d'une vie simple. Il doit toutefois trouver un moyen de se rconcilier avec son fils marqu par la sparation de ses parents.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: Paul and Ally resolve their wounded feelings from the past episode, then deal with new issues stemming from problems of Ava and Luke.IMDB: 7.5/10 (139)