Bluey (S3-E1)

France 5
Saison 3Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2018Pays : Australie - Grande-Bretagne
28/01/25 ~ 07:53 - 07:55

Episode 1 : La chambreDure : 8min est enthousiaste l'ide d'avoir sa propre chambre. Mais au moment du coucher, Bingo lui manque plus qu'elle ne l'avait imagin et elle doit trouver un moyen de rester en contact avec elle.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: Bluey wants to draw the perfect Father's Day card by remembering fun games she's played with Dad, but starts to get frustrated when she finds a problem with each drawing. None of them are perfect enough.IMDB: Bluey wants to draw the perfect Father's Day card by remembering fun games she's played with Dad, but starts to get frustrated when she finds a problem with each drawing. None of them are perfect enough.IMDB: Bluey wants to draw the perfect Father's Day card by remembering fun games she's played with Dad, but starts to get frustrated when she finds a problem with each drawing. None of them are perfect enough.IMDB: 8.7/10 (465)