Bluey (S1-E49)

France 4
Saison 1 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 1972Pays : Australie - Etats-Unis - Grande-Bretagne
07/12/24 ~ 10:21 - 10:23

Episode 49 : L'aspergeDure : 5min demande quoi servent les bonnes manires. Papa lui explique que c'est ce qui nous diffrencie des animaux sauvages. Maman donne alors une asperge magique qui peut changer les gens en animal de son choix. Ravie de s'affranchir des rgles,Bluey transforme sa famille en poulets, souris et suricates mais Maman-lionne veut dvorer le voisin, Papa-morse crase ses jouets et Bingo-perroquet mange l'asperge, les figeant dans leur aspect bestial ! Finalement, Bluey fait dire "chien" Bingo et leurs rend forme canine. La sauvagerie n'est peut-tre pas si drle !IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: Dad tells Bluey to mind her manners at the table - they're not animals. But when Bluey gets her hands on a stick of magic asparagus, she shows them everyone's got a wild side.IMDB: 8.0/10 (406)