Bluey (S1-E12)

France 4
Saison 1 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 1972Pays : Australie - Etats-Unis - Grande-Bretagne
17/11/24 ~ 10:39 - 10:50

Episode 12 : Bob le BilbyDure : 7minC'est au tour de Bingo d'emmener la maison la marionnette de la maternelle, Bob, le bilby et de raconter leur week-end ensemble. Les prcdentes aventures de Bob ont toutes t passionnantes, et cela incite Bingo lui faire passer un week-end mmorable. Mais Bingo et passent la majeure partie de la journe regarder des dessins anims et jouer des jeux sur leur tablette, et Bob ne semble pas beaucoup s'amuser. Bingo a l'impression de l'avoir dlaiss et en est trs contrarie. Mais ralise que si elles font des choses passionnantes, Bob en sera ravi lui aussi. La famille se regroupe, laisse de ct ses crans et sort se promener pour partager de bons moments avec Bob.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: When it's Bingo's turn to bring her Kindy's Bob Bilby puppet home and record their weekend in the scrapbook, the family resolve to put down their screens and attempt to show him a good time.IMDB: 8.2/10 (545)