Angelo la débrouille (S5-E34)
Episode 34 : Le grand quizzDure : 11minAprs la dmission du coach Zonka, Angelo recrute de nouveaux coachs et prpare un entranement inhabituel pour le match de basket contre l'quipe de l'cole Marie-Curie.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: The Quizbowl is coming up and Captain Tracy doesn't think Angelo is intellectually fit enough to take part.IMDB: 8.0/10 (6)