Angelo la débrouille (S5-E33)

France 4
Saison 5 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2022Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis - France - Grande-Bretagne
18/12/24 ~ 14:43 - 14:44

Episode 33 : La guerre des dronesDure : 11minAprs la dmission du coach Zonka, Angelo recrute de nouveaux coachs et prpare un entranement inhabituel pour le match de basket contre l'quipe de l'cole Marie-Curie.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: It's a battle of the drones as the Westsiders introduce a drone championship as a school sport to win a trophy and Angelo and his friends compete against them.IMDB: 8.6/10 (7)