Angelo la débrouille (S1-E8)

France 4
Saison 1Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2010Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis - France - Grande-Bretagne
22/01/25 ~ 14:41 - 14:58

Episode 8 : L'interro surpriseDure : 7minAprs la dmission du coach Zonka, Angelo recrute de nouveaux coachs et prpare un entranement inhabituel pour le match de basket contre l'quipe de l'cole Marie-Curie.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: To take the surprise out of Mr. Foot's pop quizzes, Angelo and friends try to figure out when the quizzes will be held so they can study ahead of time.IMDB: 8.2/10 (10)