Angelo la débrouille (S1-E11)

France 4
Saison 1Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2010Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis - France - Grande-Bretagne
22/01/25 ~ 15:12 - 15:20

Episode 11 : L'exportation de prouts en BolivieDure : 7minPour rigoler, Angelo et Lola ont remplac le mot "tain" par le mot "prout" dans leur devoir sur la Bolivie. Mais, Pierre envoie accidentellement le fameux devoir par e-mail monsieur Leroux...Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: After Peter accidentally emails a class paper about Bolivia riddled with the word "fart" to Mr. Foot, Angelo and friends have to figure out way to get on Mr. Foot's computer and fix the problem paper before he finds out.IMDB: 8.1/10 (9)