Alert (S2-E5)
Episode 5 : Mme PattyDure : 44minLors dune de sa ronde matinale, Madame Patty, une capitaine de surveillance de quartier caractrielle et exigeante, est kidnappe par deux hommes. Alors quils la maintiennent en otage, ils la menacent de la tuer si elle ne contacte pas un de ses contacts, un certain Maurice. Prvenue par un de ses voisins, lunit se lance sa recherche. En parallle, Jason demande Wayne denquter sur l'inspecteur Hollis Braun, son nouveau chef quil suspecte dtre impliqu dans un attentat la voiture pige. Mike, de son ct, souponne Nikki de cacher quelque chose.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Un pisode au rcit dynamique qui russit trouver un bon quilibre entre lintrigue policire principale - lenlvement de Mme Patty -, que les enquteurs tentent de rgler en remontant des indices prcis et les tourments personnels de ses personnages. Lexcentrique Helen, elle, amuse, toujours.Lire moinsIMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: A neighborhood watch captain is kidnapped, prompting the MPU to search for her. Jason teams up with Wayne to probe a car bombing, while Mike suspects Nikki of hiding something.IMDB: 8.1/10 (101)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 2/5